détachement des tourbillons

Vortex shedding around a half-cylinder. The original Gerris (GFS) output is converted to the more-convenient GMT (grd) format which is then plotted with:

vfplot \
    --verbose \
    --width 12in \
    --crop 1.5in/4.5in/1.5in/1.5in \
    --margin 4/4/0.4 \
    --scale 3e-4 \
    --iterations 300/5 \
    --pen 0.6 \
    --fill 255 \
    --length 3mm/1in \
    --symbol arrow \
    --aspect 6.5 \
    --domain domain.geojson \
    --output vfplot.eps \
    grd/u.grd grd/v.grd

For the background, the vorticity is extracted from the GFS file and formed into a GMT grd file, that composited with the arrow layer.

Download the plot as pdf or inspect the GitLab sources.

vortex shedding plot
Vortex shedding around a half-cylinder