
csv-grd — convert CSV to two GMT netCDF (grd) files


csv-grd [-h ] -i csv-file [-p ] [-r grid-range] [-s grid-size] [-v ] [-V ] grd-file-u grd-file-v


The csv-grd utility reads a CSV file and writes two GMT netCDF (grd) files whose names are the mandatory arguments. The grd files can then be used as input for the vfplot (1) program.


-h --help

Brief help.

-i --input file

Read CSV from the specified file, this is required, since the program makes multiple reads of the CSV data: standard input cannot rewind.

-p --pixel

The output grid is pixel-aligned rather than the default, node (gridline) aligned.

-r --grid-range floats

Specify the x-y extent of the output grid as x minimum/maximum then y minimum/maximum, joined with slashes.

Example: --grid-range 0/5/0/1.

-s --grid-size ints

Specify the size of the grid with a pair of integers: the number in each dimension joined with slashes.

Example: --grid-size 32/128. In this case (31, 127) will be the maximal index in the grid.

-v --verbose

Verbose operation.

-V --version

Version information.


J.J. Green ()


vfplot (1) , vfplot-csv (5) , GMT (1) .