
rtree-eps — create a PostScript plot from serialised R-tree


rtree-eps [-f format] [-h ] [-H height] [-l ] [-m margin] [-o file] [-s style] [-v ] [-V ] [-W width] [file]


The rtree-eps program reads two-dimensional R-tree files in the rtree-json (5) or rtree-bsrt (5) formats, as produced by rtree-build (1) , and writes encapsulated PostScript to the file specified by the --output option (or standard output).


-f, --format format

Specify the format of the file containing the R-tree, one of json or bsrt.

If not passed, the program will attempt to detect the format automatically: this procedure is fairly reliable except in the case that the input is stdin.

-h, --help

List the program options.

-H, --height height

Create a plot with the specified height. The data in the input will be scaled to fit this height, which then determines the plot width.

See also the note below on units.

-l, --list-styles

List the available styles (see --style).

-m, --margin margin

Add a margin around the plot, this is useful if converting the plot to a raster format, to avoid edge effects caused by anti-aliasing. If not specified then a value of 0.0 is taken.

See also the note below on units.

-o, --output file

Write the output to file, rather than stdout.

-s, --style style

Style the plot as specified by style. The format of these files is described in rtree-style (5) and a number of such are included with the program.

-v, --verbose

Verbose operation.

-V, --version

Version information.

-W, --width width

Create a plot with the specified width rather than the default of three inches. The data in the input will be scaled to fit this width, which then determines the plot height.

See also the note below on units.


The --width, --height and --margin options accept an optional unit suffix, one of i or in (inch), c or cm (centimetre), m or mm (millimetre), p or pt (point), P or pspt (PostScript point, exactly 1/72 inch).

If no unit is specified then P, PostScript point, is assumed.


J.J. Green, .